whoa ,
nana maseh busuk :D
blom mandi .
bkn mcm budak soccer , kt skola dh mandii .
i even saw one half naked o.o
uhhh ,
today got 2.4 and nafa :D
whoa amazing that it was easy , but i got very lazy to compete .
i dunnoe why .
like lazy to do alot .
and then after that had ncc thing .
do banner for AYG .
because our school is the first to di wud ?
the marathon thing ?
nono , the torch relay :DD
so they think will have the press .
and they will take a pretty picture of me :D
heh .
soo just now very chaotic at first .
tt farddd got angry with me .
i wanted it purrfect pee .
then i got fustrated too .
and then the part b boys came .
irritating jee .
buat bising tk buat pape .
mcm sial :D
drg bobal pcl taxi so aku kol mak aku tanyer aku bleyy naik tk ?
no use asking , because its my money .
so blablabla .
aidil talk rubbish with khairi and ameng .
dot dot dot .
the end :D
clap for me .
*sorry if its bad and u dont understand .
lazy to post .
nana carey
Labels: power pee ?
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